EFPIA Think Tank

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) Patients’ Think Tank meeting took place on 28 September in Brussels. This regular event is the occasion for Patients’ organisations and the pharmaceutical industry to have a dialogue on EU policy issues in the area of health and innovative medical research. During the meeting, we learned of the priorities and forthcoming plans of Alzheimer Europe, Patient Network for Medical Research and Health (EGAN) and UCB, respectively. A detailed discussion took place on current and future legislation on research and development, likely research priorities and the patients’ perspective. An update of the revision of the Clinical Trials Directive was given by EFPIA and EPF. The European Institute for Women’s Health gave a presentation on the revision of the Tobacco Directive with a strong call for action. The meeting received an update on the campaign of Dutch Patient Associations in the light of the Fabry and Pompe crisis, supported by EURORDIS, EGAN and EPF - please see the article on Rare Disease Blog for more information.

EGAN also presented its campaign work linked to ensuring stem cell research continues to be possible in the framework of Horizon 2020 , the next EU Research and Innovation programme.

For a copy of presentations or more information, please contact Nicola Bedlington.