Pharmacists and patients: could we do more?

The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) invited our Director Nicola Bedlington to their General Assembly and Symposium on June 16 in Bratislava. This was the opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the relationship between patients and pharmacists and think about new ways of collaboration.With the new Parliament and the new Commission, , the health community will have to work hard and together to make sure patients and health remains high on the EU agenda.

EPF shares a long history of collaboration with PGEU since 2008. From the onset we engaged in an ongoing dialogue on the issues linked to pharmacists’ role in the provision of patient-centred healthcare. Among others initiatives we collaborated on a project on medicine adherence in 2011 and also pharmacovigilance legislation and in particular direct patient reporting. We also worked together in many European projects including Chain of Trust, EUnetPAS, and European Union Network for Patient Safety and Quality of Care (PaSQ).  

One area among others, worthy of reflection is the capacity building needed at national level to ensure that the collaboration enjoyed by PGEU, and indeed other health professional groups, and EPF is also effective in a national context. Our Regional Advocacy Conference in Romania began to explore this and this could provide a solid foundation for further work.

Contact: Nicola Bedlington, EPF Executive Director,

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