Celebrating the International Clinical Trials’ Day!

International Clinical Trials Day is held on 20 May each year since 2005 to commemorate the day that James Lind began his famous trial (link). The objective is to make this moment a focal point for international communication events, meetings, debates, and celebrations of clinical research.Clinical trials - a relevant element of medical research -have developed a great deal since Lind's discovery, but this day helps to remember his work and the importance of research in healthcare. The European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network (ECRIN) helps to co-ordinate Clinical Trials Day, providing a focal point for international events, meetings, debates, and other celebrations of clinical research. This year’s celebrations were held in Luxembourg (Twitter hashtag: #ICTD2014).

Our Senior Policy Adviser Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous attended the meeting of the European Communication on Research Awareness Needs (ECRAN Project) the following day. This is a joint initiative that aims to facilitate understanding about clinical trials.. It is highly complementary to the European Patient Academy on Therapeutic Innovation, EUPATI.

EPF also took this opportunity to reiterate our engagement in the AllTrials campaign that strives to make all trial data publicly available. “Half of all clinical trials have never been published and some have not even been registered” said EPF Director Nicola Bedlington. She continued: “Any results – even of trials that “failed” or produced unexpected or inconclusive outcomes – add to the totality of the evidence base on therapies, and can help target future research to where it is needed”. We invite our allies to watch and share AllTrials new video about why this is important, and sign the petition.

For more information, please visit the ECRAN website or send an email to kaisa.immonen.charalambous@eu-patient.eu