EPF co-signs an open letter to prevent health crisis in Europe

EPF has joined 9 MEPs, 65 leading trade unions, civil society organisations, health organisations, and industry associations to sign an open letter calling on European leaders to stop cutting essential health and welfare systems and focus on ordinary people living in Europe coping with the dire impact of a financial crisis of which they are the first victims.The coalition is led by the European Public Health Alliance, whose recent briefing note summarises the evidence of the devastating impact of the financial crisis on human health. The evidence in rising suicides, mental health problems, rates of infectious disease are warning signs that current policies are hurtling Europe in a dangerous direction.

Anders Olauson, EPF President, stated that: “Short term ‘savings’ that undermine access to treatment and care will create worse health outcomes and higher expenditure as patients will need more intensive and expensive interventions in the longer term. The huge impact among disadvantaged groups living with chronic diseases, including those living in poverty, children, disabled people, and older patients will increase further health disparities. This is unacceptable in a Europe built on social values and solidarity,”.