Become a Member

How to become a member?

Organisations wishing to apply for Full or Associate membership shall apply in writing to EPF giving the following information:

  • A letter stating that the organisation wants to join the EPF
  • A letter stating that the organisation accepts the constitution and the internal rules of the EPF
  • Legal status with a registered copy of the Constitution
  • Permanent address of the organisation with telephone, fax and e-mail and any other important contact details (e.g. foreign languages spoken, office hours)
  • Estimated number of members or member organisations per EU member country registered in the organisation
  • Copy of the latest audited accounts if turnover exceeds €50,000 or copy of the accounts certified by the Treasurer of the organisation.

Why become a member?

As your advocate, EPF provides many benefits to its members. We represent our member's voice at the European level on cross-cutting health issues.
Here is a highlight of some of EPF’s benefits to its members:

  • Be part of a strong and united patient movement
  • Access and contribute expertise

  • Get like-minded advocates on your side
  • Provide real evidence for real change
  • Network with your peers
  • Enhance your organisation's capacity
  • Keep up with the latest news from Europe on what really matters for patients
  • Get more visibility
  • Share our network of allies and partners

Not eligible for EPF membership? Let's stay in touch nonetheless!

Note to national disease-specific organisations: If you are working on one disease area at local or national level, your organisation is not eligible for EPF membership.

You can still be represented within EPF via the European umbrella representing your disease area or via the cross-disease patient platform of your country. 

We are also happy to add you to our database: this way you receive EPF's monthly newsletter and receive invitations to events targeted at the patient community in your country. Contact us: 

Related Information

EPF Membership Guide - 10 Reasons to Become a Member of EPF
All what you need to know to become a member of EPF or to maximise the benefit of your membership is in this guide!

EPF Membership Guide.pdf

Interested in becoming a member? 

Download the application form below and send us an email (!

Membership procedure.pdf
