EPF e-Newsletter: a new look to better serve our members and allies

You will certainly notice a brand-new "look and feel" of the EPF mailing that arrives in your in-boxes on Monday. We see this new “EPF monthly e-newsletter” as a vehicle to share our news and stories more regularly and more succinctly on key developments linked to our policy priorities and our project portfolio. All of this, at a glance. We made a deliberate choice to focus this newsletter only on the latest news in order to help you to scan it quickly. More in-depth analysis will be available on our website thanks to the option “Read more” and to the numerous available links.

This is a first transitional draft of what will become a series of updates to communicate more effectively with you. You may have already noticed some changes in our communications through our 2011 Annual Report : more colourful, more dynamic but with the same high quality content. Today we also launch into the social media sphere to connect with the patient community. And last but not least, we are also starting an ambitious revamp of our website including a complete update of the policy and project sections’ content. The objective is to make these sections exhaustive, interactive and up-to-date in order to leave room in the newsletter to latest news, events reports and special focuses.

We are confident this approach will be more user-friendly for both our membership and our wider network of allies and partners. Communicating our work effectively is very important ,to make our patients’ voice heard strongly across the EU healthcare systems and strive towards our vision of high quality, patient-centred equitable healthcare for all patients across the European Union

Your comments, suggestions and ideas are very welcomed to help us improve our newsletter: please contact our Communication Officer, Cynthia Bonsignore

Anders Olauson, EPF President

Nicola Bedlington, EPF Executive Director