Take part in new task force on inclusion of vulnerable groups’ perspectives within patient organisations

EPF is setting an informal task force on inclusion of vulnerable groups’ perspectives within patient organisations.
What are the objectives of this Task Force?
The aim of the task force is to draft a roadmap to help EPF and patient organisations to become more inclusive and increase cooperation with organisations representing vulnerable groups (undocumented migrants, LBGTI community, disabled persons etc… ).
This roadmap is directly relevant for EPF’s strategic goal to contribute to tackling discrimination in healthcare (see our strategic plan p 17)
How will the Task Force operate?
- The Task Force will have monthly teleconferences
- External speakers from NGOs representing vulnerable groups will be invited to present the needs and obstacles of different groups have in healthcare and discuss potential cooperation with patient organisations
- Members of the Task Force will also be expected to provide input on the draft roadmap.
- The Task Force will be in place from end of February 2016 to October 2016.
Why you should consider participating:
- The task force is a great opportunity to learn more about discrimination and stigma in healthcare
- It provides a space to strengthen your network with key Nongovernmental organisations active in the field of non-discrimination in healthcare at EU and potentially national level
- EPF needs your expertise and suggestions to build a realistic roadmap to increase our cooperation with vulnerable groups in the coming years and put in place concrete actions and projects in this field
Who can participate and how:
- We welcome participants who has expertise either personally or as an organisation on working with populations vulnerable to discrimination and stigma in healthcare. We also welcome participants that simply want to learn more on this topic.
- Delegates participating into the task force have to be nominated by an EPF member organisation.
- For practical reasons, the working language of the task force will be English.
To participate we invite you to send an e-mail to our Policy Adviser Laurène laurene.souchet@eu-patient.eu by 25 February 2016.