
Our members are the backbone of our work: their perspective brings an irreplaceable added value to our policy and advocacy activities.
We currently represent 78 patient organisations representing 26 National Coalitions, representing 21 countries and an estimated 150 million patients across Europe.
Towards a wider Europe. Our ambition is to become a reference point for the EU, European organisations and other stakeholders such as WHO Europe, healthcare professionals and health minded organisations seeking patients’ and patient groups’ opinions.
We have adopted a new Constitution, now allowing organisations based in all of Europe to become members of EPF.
By joining EPF, you will be part of Europe’s strongest collective patients’ voice promoting public health issues surrounding equitable access, affordability and quality of healthcare at EU level. EPF aims to be as transparent, democratic and inclusive as possible.
Download the full list of EPF Members here or click below on any of our patient organisations:
Full Members
- Alzheimer Europe (Europe)
- AOECS - Association of European Coeliac Societies (Europe)
- AOPP - Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights (Slovak Republic)
- BAG Selbsthilfe - Federal Association of Self-Help Organisations for people with disabilities and chronic diseases and their relatives (Germany)
- CF Europe - Cystic Fibrosis Europe (Europe)
- COPAC - Coalition of Patients' Organisations with Chronic Diseases (Romania)
- CyFPA: Pancyprian Federation of Patients Associations and Friends (Cyprus)
- DE - Dystonia Europe (Europe)
- Digestive Cancers Europe (Europe)
- EAMDA - European Alliance of Neuromuscular Disorders Associations (Europe)
- EATG - European Aids Treatment Group (Europe)
- ECHDO – European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation (Europe)
- EFA - European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (Europe)
- EFAPH - European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis (Europe)
- EFCCA - European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (Europe)
- EFHPA - European Federation of Homeopathic Patients' Associations (Europe)
- EGAN - Patients Network for Medical Research and Health (Europe)
- EHC - European Haemophilia Consortium (Europe)
- EHLTF - European Heart and Lung Transplant Federation (Europe)
- EKPF - European Kidney Patients' Federation (Europe)
- ELPA - European Liver Patients’ Association (Europe)
- EMHA - European Migraine and Headache Alliance (Europe)
- EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (Europe)
- ENUSP - European Network of (ex)users and survivors of psychiatry (ENUSP) (Europe)
- EPIK - Estonian Chamber of Disabled People (Estonia)
- EUFAMI - European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (Europe)
- EUROPA DONNA - European Breast Cancer Coalition (Europe)
- EUROPA UOMO - The European Prostate Cancer Coalition (Europe)
- EUROPSO - European Umbrella Organisation for Psoriasis Movements (Europe)
- EURORDIS - European Organisation for Rare Diseases (Europe)
- FE - Fertility Europe (Europe)
- FEP - Spanish Patients' Forum (Spain)
- FESCA- Federation of European Scleroderma Associations (Europe)
- FPP - Federation of Polish Patients (Poland)
- GAMIAN-Europe - Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks (Europe)
- Global Heart Hub - The Alliance of Heart Patient Organisations (Europe)
- Greek Patients Association (Greece)
- HAPO - Hungarian Alliance of Patients' Organisations (Hungary)
- IDF Europe - International Diabetes Federation European Region (Europe)
- IF - International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (International*)
- IOF - International Osteoporosis Foundation (International*)
- IPOPI - International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies (International*)
- KUZ - Coalition of Association in Healthcare (Croatia)
- KZZ - Confederation of Health Protections (Bulgaria)
- LPOAT - Council of Representatives of Patients’ organisations (Lithuania)
- LUCE - Lung Cancer Europe (Europe)
- LUPUS Europe (Europe)
- MHN - Malta Health Network (Malta)
- NAPO - National Association of Patients' Organizations (Czech Republic)
- NCDP – National Confederation of Disabled People (Greece)
- NPO - National Patients' Organisation (Bulgaria)
- Parkinson's Europe (Europe)
- PHA Europe - Pulmonary Hypertension Association Europe (Europe)
- Plataforma de Organizaciones de Patientes (Spain)
- RI - Retina International (Europe)
- SOSTE - Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health (Finland)
- Sjögren Europe (Europe)
- SUSTENTO - The Latvian Umbrella Body For Disability Organization (Latvia)
- Swedish Disability Rights Federation (Sweden)
- World Duchenne Organization (International*)
- ZOPS - Patient Organisations Association of Slovenia (Slovenia)
Associate Members
- AGORA (Southern Europe)
- BAPD - Bulgarian Association for Patients Defence (Bulgaria)
- DEBRA International - Global Network of Epidermolysis Bullosa Support Groups (Europe)
- ECO - European Cleft Organisation (Europe)
- EFNA - European Federation of Neurological Associations (Europe)
- EIWH - European Institute of Women's Health (Europe)
- ENFA - European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations (Europe)
- FH Europe Foundation (Europe)
- Global Skin - International Alliance of Dermatology Patient Organisations (International*)
- Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland - The Alliance (Scotland)
- IBE - International Bureau for Epilepsy (International*)
- LPOT - Latvian Network of Patient Organizations (Latvia)
- Mental Health Europe (MHE-SME) (Europe)
- Patiëntenfederatie Nederland - National Coalition of Dutch Patients (The Netherlands)
- SAFE - Stroke Alliance for Europe (Europe)
- VPP - Flemish Patients' Platform (Belgium)
- WFIPP - World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems (WFIPP) (International*)
*International organisations that do not have a formally constituted branch in Europe, but are active in the European region, may become Full members.