Joint DIA/EMA/EFGCP Children’s Medicines Conference 2016

The European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) is inviting EPF members to attend the Joint DIA/EMA/EFGCP Children’s Medicines Conference 2016 on Optimisation of Drug Development for the Benefit of Children that will take place at the European Medicines Agency's Offices on 10-11 October 2016. 5 bursaries are available for patient organisations' representatives.
When? 10-11 October 2016
Where? London (United Kingdom), EMA Offices
About this event
After 10 years of the EU Paediatric Regulation, considerable experience has been gained by all involved in paediatric drug development: companies, regulators, academia, healthcare professionals and, last but not least, patients. It is time to reflect how success has been achieved, what could be challenges and options for the future.
Many products have now obtained a paediatric indication and new data are produced on a daily basis. Nevertheless many paediatric trials recruit slowly and drug development plans are not completed. Furthermore, new paths and strategies are becoming available to advance the integration of paediatric drug development with the development of medicines for adults. Paediatric research is high on the global political agenda.
Objective of the event
The aim of this conference is to discuss how drug development can be further optimised to the benefit of children’s health. This will include a discussion on what we have learned during these years of full operation of the EU Paediatric Regulation, new concepts and strategies for an integrated approach at each and every step of paediatric development and sessions dedicated to specific areas of expertise such as neonatology as well as evolving concepts such as the approach to extrapolation from adult data.
Structure of the event
As always, experts from all involved parties will be present. On day one participants will discuss more specialized and hot topic issues in five breakout sessions. Day two will discuss the holistic integrated approach and the global issues. This will allow participants to discuss face-to-face with all stakeholders, which otherwise usually occurs by email or phone.
Questions on any topic relating to the Agency’s activities can be submitted before the conference to , and will be answered by the Paediatric Medicines office at the EMA.
More information about this event:
You can view the programme by clicking here.
EFGCP has reserved 5 bursaries for representatives of patient organisations. A representative of a Patient Organisation wishing to apply for a waiver should send to
Please include a short description of your organisation, a link to your website, your position within the organisation and a short expression of interest.