Final consultation on discrimination in education and the workplace

We are launching a final consultation on the position paper on discrimination in education and the workplace. This second draft integrates comments and input that were received in a first round of consultation which took place in May-June 2015. After this final consultation, comments will be integrated and the position paper will be published on EPF website and sent to key decision makers and stakeholders.
Why this position paper?
This position paper is a tool to implement EPF’s strategic goal number 6 on tackling discrimination in healthcare and other areas of life.
The objectives with this paper are to:
- gather perspectives of patients’ organisations on key barriers and good practices in education and in employment for the equal treatment of patients
- raise awareness amongst decision makers on issues which patients with chronic and/or long term conditions face in education and in the workplace,
- To provide us with a tool to engage stakeholders and decision makers to take actions with patient organisations to break down the barriers which patients encounter in education and on the labour market
How to participate?
To participate please provide any comments you may have on the position paper to by 3 November 2015 at the latest. You are welcome to contact us for any question related to this consultation.
If your organisation has carried out activities around this topic (publication, events, surveys…), we also welcome links to more information that we will share in the section “patients’ organisations initiatives and roles” of this position.
Related Information
Draft position paper discrimination education and workplace- 2nd version.docx