The presentations of the training on Transparency & Ethics are now available!

For those who were unable to attend the EPF Training on Transparency & Ethics last month in Brussels, you still have the chance to access the material!
Where can you find it?
All the presentations used during the training are available on EPF CONNECT, the EPF online platform.
You just need to go to "My Drive" – in the left menu, under my ‘Workspace’ – and then select the folder called “Training module on transparency”.
What will happen next?
Based on this training, EPF will develop transparency guidelines for its members.
This guidelines will be developed with a small group of members, and then presented at the upcoming EPF Annual General Meeting on 10-11 April 2017.
If you want to be part of this group working on the guidelines, let us know by sending an email to
To know more…
If you want to know more about the insights of the training, you can read the article published in the latest edition of our newsletter.