What does quality care mean for you?

Quality of healthcare is at the heart of European Patients' Forum’s work. We are conducting a survey aiming to explore the perceptions of patients about what “quality” means for them, and what matters most in quality of care.
What is the survey about?
EPF will use the results to develop our future advocacy work around quality of care and patient safety, including patient-centredness and patient empowerment, at EU level.
Who is the survey for?
This survey is aimed at patient representatives: primarily individual patients, their family members or informal carers, and patient organisation representatives across the EU.
You do not need in-depth knowledge or experience on quality of care to complete the survey! There are no right or wrong answers, as this survey is about your perceptions and opinions.
How much time will it take?
This short survey consists of 20 questions, some of which have tick-box options. It should take around 30 minutes to complete.
Please note that you will need to answer all the questions, unless the question is marked as “optional”.
Take the survey!
Click here to access the online survey.
Please forward the survey to your members/patient networks!
The survey is open until 30 September 2016.