Share your e-work with us!

European health policy is being increasingly focused on digital health and digital technologies. More and more often EPF is asked to present examples of eHealth, mHealth or other ICT enablers that improve patients’ quality of care, adherence to treatment, communication with professionals, self-care, or other aspects of their daily life.
Patients involved in eHealth
Meaningful patient involvement in the development, implementation, and evaluation of eHealth services is an essential condition that needs to be met to achieve more patient-centred eHealth services.
Patients’ organisations often report that mobile health apps are frequently developed without an adequate needs assessment, without patient involvement, and are often of limited use to patients.
Nevertheless, we have already received some examples from our members of patient-led good practices and valuable examples of an mHealth or eHealth solution has been developed together with (or by) patients and the great impact it is having on their lives.
Share your e-work with us!
Have you been involved in developing an app, completed project, or digital solution within your disease-area or national system? Please share it with EPF before Wednesday 31 January 2018, by sending an email to Kostas at
Although the dates are still to be determined, you may be able to present your suggestion in a conference taking place in Tallinn, Estonia in March 2018.
We are looking forward to hearing about patient-led digital health tools!