Finance & Transparency

EPF is committed to transparency and independence in all aspects of our work in accordance with our Code of Ethics and Framework for working with funding partners.
Adopted by the EPF Annual General Assembly in March 2009, the “Framework for Cooperation” outlines how EPF works with partners who provide unrestricted sustainable funding to contribute to EPF’s strategic plan and annual work programme, and why this is important. This partnership is not solely financial and focuses also on open and transparent dialogue and the exchange of independent views and positions between EPF and these partners. This framework document also describes how this is undertaken in practice, without comprising either party.
In keeping in line with our commitment to transparency, all financials pertaining to EPF are available on our website.
Click here to view all our accounts and balance sheets.
Click here to view all acknowledgements of Financial Support.
Click here to view the current and past Annual Reports which outline the amounts of our funding and their sources.
EPF is a registered NGO on the Commission’s new Transparency Registry.
If you have any further questions regarding EPF’s transparency and/or independence as an organisation, you are invited to contact the Finance Team: they will be happy to address these questions.