EPF Capacity Building Programme: second phase

EPF is currently looking for experts in strategic planning and organisational capacity in Poland and Slovakia. If you know people with expertise in these areas who may be interested in submitting an offer we would be very grateful if you could forward this email to them.
The overall objective of the Capacity Building Programme is to strengthen the capacity of both national and European level patients’ organisations. It would hopefully enable them to be more effective in achieving their objectives and aspirations, also in feeding their experiences and expertise into the work of EPF and utilising the outcomes of our collective work in a national, and/ or disease specific context.
In 2012 the programme was piloted in Romania and Hungary with the support of EPF’s members in these countries. Globally 20 national-level patient organisations from those two countries are involved in the Programme. Seven European-level patient organisations also participated in the programme in 2012.
In spring 2013, 12 more organisations from Poland and Slovakia (six from each country) will start taking part in the programme. Likewise the previous countries the plan is to organise a strategic planning meeting per organisation to develop a strategic plan and run a needs’ assessment exercise.
To submit an offer, please refer to the documents on the right-hand column and send it to Walter Atzori, Senior Programme Officer (walter.atzori@eu-patient.eu) and Sara Bensaude De Castro Freire, EPF Membership Officer (sara.bensaude@eu-patient.eu).
For more information, you can write to Liuska Sanna,the EPF Programme Manager (liuska.sanna@eu-patient.eu).