Structured collaboration between patients and informal carers

EPF is delighted to announce that we have signed a cooperation agreement with Eurocarers, the European network representing informal carers and their organisations. This demonstrates our mutual willingness to further enhance our collaboration in advancing the interests of European patients and informal carers.
“We have been collaborating closely with the the European association working for patients' carers over the past few years already, attending their interest group meetings. Eurocarers was also part of the advisory board of our eHealth project Chain of Trust. This cooperation agreement is the natural continuation of our mutual work and we are very delighted to count Eurocarers among our strong allies, as informal caregivers play a role of utmost importance for patients”, stated EPF President Anders Olauson.
“As we all know, demographic ageing in Europe is leading to a growing incidence of age-related diseases, a growing demand for care and a serious sustainability challenge for our social and health care systems”, said John Dunne, Eurocarers President.
He continued “Recent research shows that 80% of the care provided in Europe today is actually provided by families and friends. We therefore need better awareness and recognition of the contribution and the resource represented by carers to patients, society and the economy as a whole. Care will be more effective if patients and their carers are perceived as partners in care and are involved in the decisions that affect them all along the care pathway.”
Contact: Nicola Bedlington, EPF Secretary General,