
EPF is active in the area of tackling discrimination that patients can face in the workplace and on the employment market as a result of their health status.
Following EPF’s position statement entitled "Equal treatment for patients in education and employment" that was published in January 2016 to highlight this issue and provide recommendations on how to tackle discrimination; in 2017, EPF set up a temporary task force on discrimination in the workplace and on the employment market.
The aim of the task force was to develop a set of materials to promote better inclusion of people with chronic and long-term conditions in the workplace.
This work is directly relevant to EPF’s strategic goal on non-discrimination, to promote the development of EU and national policies that tackle discrimination faced by people with chronic conditions in employment. This task force, made up of volunteers from the EPF membership provided expert advice in order to develop the content and format of this set of materials.
The task force has developed the following three materials:
- A collection of patient organisation initiatives to promote patient-led actions and promote EPF member action on this topic and take-up of existing materials;
- Recommendations targeting policy makers – on how they can promote better inclusion of people with chronic conditions in the workplace in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights;
- A digital leaflet for employers on how to foster inclusive work places and better inclusion of people with chronic conditions.
- Report on Multistakeholder Roundtable (2019)
To know more about the compendium of patient organisations initiatives, please visit the webpages below:
Working with a chronic condition
Legislation summary - How is discrimination addressed in EU legislation?
Patient organisations’ initiatives
Guides and tools developed by patient organisations (for employers and patients)