Support 2005

The European Patients’ Forum (EPF) gratefully acknowledges the generous support from the following organisations, companies and individuals:
  • In spring 2005, PhRMA provided EPF with sponsorship of 45,000 Euro for the organisation of a survey on patients’ needs with regard to information on prescription medicines.
  • The European Coalition of Positive People seconded Annette Dumas to work cost-free as the EU Policy Officer for EPF from December 2004 to December 2005.
  • PFIZER provided EPF with in kind contributions for the organisation of the conferences Driving Better Health in Europe (2004) and Driving Better Health in Europe : the Valule of Health Education and Compliance (2005). In particular, Pfizer covered the costs for the meeting room, the travel and accommodation costs of conference participants and the publication of the meeting report.
  • In 2005, AMGEN provided EPF with in kind contribution for the organisation of an educational workshop on biosimilar medicines held in view of the consultation by the EMEA on its draft guidelines on similar biological medicinal products. In particular, AMGEN covered the costs of the conference participants and the publication of the workshop report.
  • In 2004 and 2005, EPF and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA) jointly organised a training seminar for patient groups representatives from the 10 new Member States : Strengthening Patient Groups in the EU. EPF and EFPIA jointly worked on the content of the seminars. The participants expenses and the conference costs were covered by EPFIA.
  • In 2005, Baxter has generously funded Don Marquis’ support to EPF in developing its business plan and rules of procedure while BMW seconded Don in this task.
  • Various EPF member organisations generously financed the travel and accommodation costs for members of their organisations to attend EPF Executive meetings.
  • In 2003 and 2004, Christine Marking and Grainne Crowley generously provided pro-bono consultancy work to EPF for the preparation of a potential EU project, for the organisation of the official launch of EPF in the European Parliament and for other tasks of EPF.

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