2017 AGM and Leadership meeting

When? 10-11 April 2017

Where? Thon EU, rue de la Loi 75, B-1000 Brussels

Who? EPF members only.

  • One representative per members' organisations
  • Due to the scope of the meeting the participation is specifically reserved to the high level representative of EPF Members' Organisations.

Full members who have not paid their membership fees by January 31st 2017 will not be allowed to vote at the AGM 2017, and their travel expenses will not be covered by EPF; Associate members not having paid their membership fees by January 31st 2017 will not be able to participate to the AGM 2017.

What is on the programme?

Access Campaign and mid-term review of EPF Strategic Plan

Day 1 will be an occasion to look at our collective accomplishments of the past year and to present our Access Campaign, one of the key milestones of the year.

2017 is important for EPF as it marks the first half of the implementation of our Strategic Plan 2014-2020.

Participants will break into four thematic groups and assess the achievements of EPF made so far on:

1 – Patient Empowerment

2 – Access

3 – Sustainable Patient organisations

4 – Governance

We invite you to prepare for and contribute actively to this crucial session:

  • Are all of our listed priorities still relevant?
  • Can you identify success factors in EPF’s activities over the last years that we need to repeat?
  • Where do we need to make some adjustments/improvements? 

EPF’s Strategic Plan will then be adapted to take into account the recommendations formulated by members.

Day 2, we will welcome some high-level speakers from our network of partners to review together the emerging challenges for the patient community in Europe.

The draft agenda can be found by clicking here.


The current two-year term of office for four of the board members comes to an end and elections for the board will take place at the AGM. We will therefore elect four board members.

Full EPF members' organisations wishing to nominate a member to the board, should complete and return the nomination form available here by 10 March. General responsibilities of Board members can be found here.

Please note that applicant organisations to be endorsed at the Annual General Meeting that meet the criteria for full membership are also eligible to put forward a nomination.

How to participate?

EPF will cover your expenses related to your pariticipation at the event (accommodation, subsistence and travel) in line with our reimbursement policy available here.

Registration closed.

Should you have any queries linked to the Annual General Meeting, please contact Véronique Tarasovici; veronique.tarasovici@eu-patient.eu.