Consultation on EUPATI’s guidance for patient involvement in medicines’ R&D process

EUPATI (the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Medicines) is launching a public consultation to review guidance for patient involvement in the medicines’ research and development process. The guidance is provided as three distinct frameworks:
- Patient involvement with industry
- Patient involvement with health technology assessment (HTA) bodies
- Patient involvement with regulatory bodies
These three frameworks have already received feedback from a number of partners of the EUPATI consortium (including patient organisations) but further evaluation and feedback from patient organisations and other key stakeholders are essential in order to validate the guidance.
EUPATI wants your feedback!
If you have significant expertise and knowledge in patient interaction with industry, HTA or regulatory bodies, please consider contributing to this review; please add your suggestions (in track change) and comments directly on the documents. Once you have reviewed the documents, please forward them to the following address:
Not the right person? If you know some experts on this issue, please forward them this email or the following link which provide guidance on how to complete the review:
Deadline and follow-up
This public consultation will end on September 15. Following the consultation all comments will be carefully evaluated, and the guidance will be revised and released.
If there is any questions on the consultation process or on the documents, do not hesitate to contact Giorgio Barbareschi (
The European Patients' Academy (EUPATI) is a pan-European Innovative Medicines Initiative project of 33 organisations, led by the European Patients' Forum, with partners from patient organisations, universities and not-for-profit organisations, along with a number of European pharmaceutical companies.
Its objective is to help patients be more educated and involved in the research and development process of new medicines by offering reliable, objective, comprehensive lay-friendly information and training on the research and development process of medicines.
More information on EUPATI: