Our Capacity Building Programme in Hungary Advances!

Our Capacity Building Programme in Hungary is starting two new workflows focused on: communications and mid-term strategic review.
Following the successful completion of three phases of the programme on strategic planning, operational planning and fundraising, the capacity building programme (CBP) 2016/2017 in Hungary extends to two additional areas of support, namely mid-term review of strategic plans and strategic communication.
The programme targets EPF member BEMOSZ, the national patient coalition, and eight other organisations: National Association of People with Multiple Sclerosis, Hungarian League of Patients with Rheumatic Diseases, Hungarian Osteoporosis Patient Association, Hungarian Coeliac Society, Hungarian Federation of People with Rare and Congenital Diseases, Hungarian Organization for Patients with Immunodeficiency’s, Delta Hungarian Parkinson Association and National Stroke League. The implementation of the programme is supported by the local experts Civil Support Non-profit Ltd.
The current mid-term review of strategic plans elaborated in 2012 will provide organisations with an opportunity to assess progress towards goals’ achievement, as well as to identify any implementation areas that might require realignment and/or adjustments. The mid-term review will also allow organisations to reflect on the changing external environment and assess whether current approaches are appropriate. As a result of this review, the local experts will produce a set of recommendations for each organization on how the implementation of future strategic plans can be improved.
The second training module, on strategic communication aims to strengthen the capacity related to the following areas: the role and value of internal & external communication; the role of organisational procedures and policies in facilitating internal communication and aligning work with organisation’s vision, mission, goals and values; the role of communication in establishing and maintaining partnerships with individuals, stakeholders and donors and the importance of strategic use of communication tools for visibility at national and international level. Following the face-to-face training, the local experts will provide individual coaching to the participants who will have an opportunity to develop their organisation’s communication plan and activities.
You can read more about the progress, and concrete outcomes of our programme in Hungary on our dedicated webpage.
Contact person:
Selena Imerovic Hodzic, Capacity Buidling Programme Officer