Taking Action: A Roadmap to Achieving Universal Health Coverage for All by 2030

In the context of our 2017 Campaign on Universal Health Coverage, EPF is currently in the process of developing a Roadmap Towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage for All by 2030. This Roadmap is a key milestone and deliverable of our campaign.
Many unmet needs and unequal experiences in access to healthcare still exist in all EU Member States. It is for this reason that EPF developed with its members and input from experts, a roadmap to achieve Universal Health Coverage by 2030.
The Roadmap concludes our 2017 campaign on Universal Health Coverage and aims:
- to identify and propose political steps and actions that EU decision makers and Member States need to take in order to achieve universal health coverage for all patients in the EU by 2030;
- to raise awareness of the gaps and barriers patients face in accessing healthcare;
- to elevate access to health on the political agenda of the EU and Member States;
- to contribute to and inform the European Commission’s mid-2018 strategy for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
This Roadmap is intended for EU and Member State decision and policy makers. The roadmap will serve as a guide to patients’ concerns, unmet needs, outstanding challenges and recommended actions to tend to achieve universal health coverage for all.
Once published, EPF will invite EU and Member State decision-makers to consider this roadmap and its recommendations when developing related policies and UN SDG implementation strategies, while assuming greater patient involvement.
This roadmap is being developed in concert with EPF’s membership and the wider health community, based on an inclusive working process. The Roadmap has undergone an EPF wider membership consultation throughout September and is currently being finalised.
The document will be presented and launched at EPF’s Access Campaign Meeting ‘Taking Action to Achieve Universal Health Coverage for All Patients by 2030’, which will take place on 6 December in the European Parliament. Please click here to register for the event.
About our campaign on Universal Health Coverage:
EPF’s campaign is about paving the road to universal access in the EU by 2030 and calls on Member States and the EU to commit to a long-term vision where equity of access and universal health coverage is a reality for all patients in the EU.
For more information about our campaign, please see http://www.eu-patient.eu/campaign/access-to-healthcare/.
Contact person: Katie Gallagher, Policy Advisor, katie.gallagher@eu-patient.eu.