IMI project IMMUCan has kicked off!

EPF is pleased to be part of the IMI-funded IMMUCan project (which stands for "Integrated IMMUnoprofiling of large adaptive CANcer patients cohorts"), which officially launched on Monday 18 March at EORTC (the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) headquarters in Brussels. The consortium is led by EORTC and includes 19 other partners, including 10 expert clinical centers.
This inspiring project aims at identifying potential predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy, towards an inclusive and integrated European immuno-oncology platform. The project will mobilise a series of clinical trials, and develop a state-of-the-art biobank to facilitate the flow of samples, store them in a uniform way and consequently analyse the data.
EPF is proud to take the lead of Work Package 2 together with EORTC, which is aimed at developing and implementing an effective dissemination and communication strategy for the project. We look forward to getting started and expect that the knowledge gathered from this project will be transferable.
Stay tuned for the release of scientific articles, the project website, and much more!
For more information please contact Valentina Strammiello, Senior Programme Manager at EPF.