European health community says don’t let a no-deal Brexit put patients across Europe in danger

As the prospect of the UK leaving the European Union without a negotiated deal remains a real possibility, European patient groups and health sector organisations have spoken out about the need to take urgent steps to protect patients across the EU.
If there is no negotiated deal and ensuing transition period, emergency action will need to be taken to safeguard patients and public health. The top priority will be to ensure the continued flow of medicines and medical equipment in both directions between the UK and the EU by adopting special measures relating to the import, authorisation and marketing of these lifesaving goods, and so that the UK and EU can continue to co-operate to deal with major health threats such as terrorist attacks or disasters.
The EU and UK will also need to continue to collaborate in researching and trialling ground-breaking treatments that offer hope to patients across Europe, and to do this, measures must be put in place so that key data can be shared.
Usman Khan, Executive Director of the European Patients Forum said, “It would be unacceptable if patients across Europe became collateral damage in the fall-out from a no-deal Brexit. Politicians across Europe need to significantly step up actions and put in place comprehensive and robust contingency plans, so as to minimise the impact on patients seeking the medicines and equipment they need after 31st October. We call upon them to do everything possible to avert what could too easily become a widespread human tragedy.”