Register for EPF webinar on medical devices!

1 year to go to the application of the Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulations! What progress has been made so far, what are the next steps and what are the opportunities for patient involvement - register now!
The webinar will take place on Wednesday 8 May 2019 at 14:30-15:30 CEST. Please note that this webinar is for members only.
- Welcome and Housekeeping Rules
Elena Balestra, Membership and Capacity Building Manager
- Introduction
Katie Gallagher, Policy Adviser, EPF
- The implementation of essential elements for the new medical devices and invitro diagnostics regulatory system – an update from the European Commission
What progress is being made and what are the current challenges?
What are the concrete opportunities for patient involvement in the context of quality and safety assurance, transparency and Eudamed and access to information?
Vincent Houdry, Policy Officer and Salvatore Scalzo, Legal Assistant
Unit on Medical Devices, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Health Technology and Cosmetics, European Commission
- Q&A
- The State of Play from an Industry Perspective
Where has industry made progress on compliance and concerns?
How is industry getting ready for the application of the new regulations?
What are the implications and unknowns of Brexit?
Oliver Bisazza, Director Regulations & Industrial Policy, MedTech Europe
- Q&A
Comments and questions from participating patient organisations
Please register for the webinar here! A link to the webinar will be sent to you in advance of the webinar.