Universal Health Coverage Day 2019

Today marks universal health coverage day.
Just yesterday, Médecins du monde Belgium launched their 2019 Observatory Report on The State of Universal Healthcare Coverage in Europe.
This report sheds the light on healthcare exclusion experienced by people in vulnerable situations such as homelessness, migration and poverty especially for children- a situation which is completely unacceptable in EPF’s view.
The report clearly shows that not only is the EU far from fulfilling the right to quality healthcare access, it also demonstrates that the EU does not have an adequate instrument for measuring the magnitude of the problem.
This report indicates that EU member states are failing the most marginalised and vulnerable and those in most need of protection and support which suggests that the ‘leaving no one behind’ sustainable development pledge is sadly not being upheld in Europe. EPF was privileged to moderate a panel of the launch event, stressing its commitment to access to quality health care for all.
EPF’s Roadmap to achieving universal health coverage for all in the context of the Sustainable Development Agenda echoes the recommendations of the MdM report.
The State of Health in the EU Country Health Profiles and companion report published by the Commission, WHO European Observatory and OECD at the end of November echo the findings of Médecins du monde, that gaps in the accessibility of health care and a lack of data are undermining universal health coverage across the European Union, in every European country.
In 2017, the EU took an important commitment to social rights in particular the right to timely and affordable access for all.
For these reasons, on this day EPF calls political leaders to seriously address the shortcomings highlighted in this report and leverage the political will necessary to improve inclusive data collection and in turn, truly universal healthcare coverage.