EU PEARL Project now on EPF website

On 21-22 November 2019, EPF joined 36 other partners for the kick off meeting of the EU Patient-Centric Clinical Trial Platform (EU-PEARL) project. The project partners met to discuss the objectives of the project, define responsibilities, and decide on ways of working. The consortium members come from diverse fields of expertise, which is a key strength of this project.
The goal of EU-PEARL is to make clinical trials more efficient and patient friendly, and increase the likelihood of patients to be allocated a promising treatment. It will also help bring treatments to patients faster. It will do this by creating a platform which allows companies to test new treatments at the same time. EU-PEARL will focus on four conditions- major depressive disorder, tuberculosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and neurofibromatosis – but will have the view to make the platform operable for other disease areas.
EPF will contribute to the project’s governance, and will also deliver a framework for patient engagement, and a patient engagement platform. Our contribution will bring the patient perspective on aspects related to ethics, legal and non-technical aspects of the platform governance, sustainability and multi-stakeholder collaboration, and will build on the role EPF plays both in PARADIGM and EHDEN.
EU PEARL is a project of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 programme (under grant agreement no. 853966-2), which receives funding from the European Union and from the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.
You can learn more about the project, the consortium, and the ongoing activity by going on to the project website. To learn more about EPF’s role and the impact on the patient community, you may find the dedicated project page on the EPF website.
*This communication reflects the author's view and that neither IMI nor the European Union, EFPIA, or any Associated Partners are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.