EPF & H20 Joint statement on Health Systems after COVID-19 Report

Patient Reported Outcomes are central to the future of healthcare. The integration of Patient Reported Outcomes into healthcare decision making is promising, as it will increasingly shift health decisions to be inclusive of patients’ perspectives and experiences. Together with partners like the European Patients’ Forum (EPF), the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) project is working to catalyse this transformation.
We are working together with Europe’s best and brightest to improve the quality of healthcare based on outcomes and measures that truly matter to patients. Our aim is to define these outcomes and measures together with public and healthcare experts through a systematic and transparent process involving the structured use of health data.
This is why, this past 24 September 2021, H2O lead Meni Styliadou and EPF President Marco Grecomparticipated in an event marking the launch of a report on Health Systems After COVID-19: A perspective on the future of European health systems. Participants at the launch of this important report included Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director-CPS of WHO Europe, and Andrzej Rys, Director of Health Systems, medical products and innovation at the European Commission’s DG SANTE.
Crucially, the report supports the promising movement of integrating patient reported outcomes into healthcare decision making. Patient involvement, outcomes research and health data were highlighted as rapidly evolving topics, under constant development and evolution.
Excerpt from the Report
“To achieve better outcomes, European healthcare systems and stakeholders should work jointly to shape and enable the delivery of relevant innovation to patients… the ability to collect meaningful patient-reported outcomes and experience is set to become a key skill not only to measure the real-life effectiveness of interventions, but also to shape services around patient needs.”
Health Systems after COVID-19: A perspective on the future of European health systems, EFPIA: European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations (July 2021)
JOINT STATEMENT: On Health Systems after COVID-19 Report (04/10/2021)
About H2O
The goal of the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) is simple yet bold. We want to give patients the tools to measure their outcomes e.g. how they feel, how they experience symptoms etc. Currently, different measurements exist, but there is no standardized may to measure or compare these outcomes. We want to agree on a set of outcomes. By using the same outcomes sets, clinicians and patients will speak the same ‘language’. We believe this will strengthen the voice of patients, keeping them at the heart of Value Based Health Care in Europe and beyond. www.health-outcomes-observatory.eu
The H2O project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement Nº 945345-2.
This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and Trial Nation and JDRF.
DISCLAIMER: This announcement reflects only H2O’s view, and the JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.