Master in International Patient Advocacy Management

EPF is proud of partnering with Cattolica University (Patient Advocacy Lab, of the Graduate School of Economics and Management of Healthcare Organizations (ALTEMS), of the Graduate School of Psychology Agostino Gemelli (ASAG), of the Faculty of Economics and of the Faculty of Medicine “A. Gemelli”, in collaboration with EngageMinds Hub - Consumer, Food & Health Engagement Research Center of Università Cattolica and the Foundation Policlinico universitario “Agostino Gemelli” IRCCS).

What it's about

The II level University Master Course lasts one academic year (second edition February 2024 to December 2024) for 60 credits in total, equal to 1500 hours of lessons and study.

The course will provide to the student the management skills required for a successful coordination and development of the activities of patient organisations in the reference healthcare scenario.

The lessons will span from Healthcare management, European Legislation on health, Patient Involvement, fundraising, strategic communication, planning and bookkeeping, stakeholder management and more. See here the full programme.

Master calendar

The Course is addressed to those who already have a master’s degree and aims to provide a professional training to develop management skills for patients’ organisations working at local, national and international level.

The teaching activity is then divided into ten modules, from February 2024 to December 2024. The lessons are mostly online and fully remote self-learning, with one module being in presence in Milan.

The in presence module scheduled for February 2024 will be held at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan, for four days.

Admission criteria

The Course is primarily addressed to:

  1. representatives of patient organisations and patient advocates
  2. institutions’ leaders and managers
  3. pharmaceutical companies’ leaders and managers.

The Course is addressed to people who already have a master’s degree or an equivalent qualification in healthcare, medicine, pharmacy, humanities, sociology, economics, management, communications, and marketing, achieved in any Italian or foreign university and afferent to any of the classes indicated by the DM 26 luglio 2007.

A certificate of equivalence of qualification needs to be attached to titles achieved abroad.

Previous experience in patient advocacy is qualifying, but not necessary.

The maximum number of participants for the Master Course in International Patient Advocacy Management is 30. Eighteen places are reserved to patients' representatives.

To be admitted to the Course, the candidates need to pass an interview to verify their motivation, knowledge about patient advocacy and English language.

To be admitted to the Course, the candidates need to reach the minimum grade established by the commission before the interview and the titles examination.

You can find more information on the criteria and how to apply here.

Participation fees and scholarships

The participation fee is 5.000 EUR. You can find more information on fees here.

Contact information

For any queries you can refer to Cattolica University, you will find all contact details here.