AGM & Leadership Meeting 2018

This year again, the AGM will provide you with the opportunity to share your experiences and views and reflect on EPF’s development and your role therein.
When? 14-15 April 2018
Due to logistical circumstances, and in order to enable representatives from volunteer-based member organisations to attend, this time, the AGM is taking place over the weekend.
Where? EU Thon Hotel, Brussels, Belgium
Who can attend? EPF members only! Due to the scope of this meeting, please note that participation is specifically reserved to the organisations’ high-level representatives (one representative per organisation).
How to register?
EPF will reimburse travel and subsistence costs in line with our travel and reimbursement policy.pdf. Please do check this document when registering.
Click here to access the registration form.
Deadline to register: 20 February 2018