2018 EPF Patient Advocates’ Seminar 20-21 October, Brussels

What is EPF Patient Advocates’ Seminar (PAS)?
The EPF Patient Advocates’ Seminar will take place as a one-day and a half hackathon where participants will work in cross-functional teams with mentors to find innovative solutions to a common and given challenge in the field of advocacy.
The Seminar has specific objectives:
- Developing knowledge about the European Union, its institutional structure and its policies in the field of health;
- Raising knowledge and awareness of how to get involved in policy-making, transposition and implementation of key EU health-related policies;
- Training patient leaders to develop effective advocacy skills to influence national and European health policies;
- Building mutual understanding and cooperation among national patient organisations.
What is the challenge?
The topic of the PAS 2018 is to solve this challenge: “How can we make health a priority for the European Union post-2020 and position the patient community as a key stakeholder in the EU health policy debates?”
When and Where?
20-21 October 2018, in Brussels, Belgium,
Programme. What to expect?
You can find here the agenda.
EPF will cover all the participation costs in line with the EPF travel policy.
A range of awards will be offered to the winning teams.
Who should attend?
We are looking for 30 highly motivated, active patient advocates who want to improve their advocacy skills participating in a challenging learning event and build innovative and impactful solutions in the field of patient advocacy.
Apply if you are:
- Staff member or a volunteer of an EPF Member organisation active at European or national-regional level mainly based in but not only in EU countries;
- Staff member or a volunteer of a cross-section of EPF Member organisations’ membership;
- Staff member or a volunteer from other European or national-regional patient organisation not affiliated with EPF who have expressed an interest in participating in this event. (Please note that applying organisations must be legally registered associations/NGOs working for the direct benefit of targeted, disease-specific population in a specific geographical scope);
- Work or committed to work on patient advocacy at national or European level;
- Have clear goals, motivation to participate and are able to “think outside the box”;
- Have a working proficiency in English.
How to apply?
Applications are now closed.
The selection process
1. Online application form We would like to understand your background, relevant experiences, and motivation about the topic and the event.
2. Decision: You will be notified via e-mail by 24 September at the latest if you are invited to participate to the EPF Patient Advocates’ Seminar. The 30 selected participants will be assigned to teams of 6 and participate in the seminar with these teams.
Contact details
Not sure this is something for you? Do you have few questions? Have a look at the PAS webpage and get in contact with EPF Membership & Capacity Building Officer Elena Balestra elena.balestra@eu-patient.eu