EPF-Medicines for Europe dialogue

Following previous successful dialogues between EPF and Medicines for Europe, on 8 October, EPF and Medicines for Europe are organising a third edition of the dialogue which will take place in Brussels.
We would like to invite interested EPF members to join the EPF-Medicines for Europe dialogue for a targeted dialogue with the generics and biosimilars industry to discuss generic, biosimilar and value added medicines. Please find the draft agenda here and further information about the meeting as well as the registration link below.
Medicines for Europe and the European Patients’ Forum will co-organise a member to member dialogue in Brussels. The purpose of this dialogue is to exchange views on key policy developments related to generic, biosimilar and value added medicines. This is also the occasion to discuss means of collaboration for the year ahead, where initiatives and resources can be combined and supported by each other, with the common objective of improving patient access to medicines.
Practical information
Date: Monday, 8 October 2018
Time: 12.30-17.00
Venue: Thon EU Hotel, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
How to register?
Register via this link, by 9 September at the latest.
Please note that travel and accommodation is covered by Medicines for Europe, subject to confirmation. Once your participation has been confirmed, Medicines for Europe will be in touch with you and will book hotel rooms for patient participants. Patient representatives will not need to pay for accommodation upfront.
Patient representatives are requested to book their own travel and will be fully reimbursed by Medicines for Europe following the event via and expense claim form and upon signing the Medicines for Europe consent form.
For any logistical information, do not hesitate to contact Kate O’Regan: koregan@medicinesforeurope.com
More information
Please find here the report of last year’s dialogue.
Interested in discussions around access to healthcare? Stay for the ‘Universal Access to Health’ event on 9 October!
Those who will attend the dialogue are also welcome to join the annual stakeholder policy event on Universal Access to Health! This event will take place in the Thon EU Hotel on October 9th from 09.30-13.30. This year, Medicines for Europe is pleased to partner with the European Patients’ Forum, the European Public Health Alliance, the European Social Insurance Platform and the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies. We hope you will be able to join us for this important policy debate! More information will follow on this event in due course. This initiative allows different stakeholders (industry, insurers, health organisations) to exchange their views on how we can reach universal access to healthcare. Registration for the event is not yet open, however the registration link and draft agenda will be circulated shortly via EPF’s various communication channels. Please indicate in the registration form for the dialogue whether you wish to attend the 9 October event.
We hope to see you there and look forward to another constructive meeting!