Call for Interest to participate in EPF cluster on nutrition

Join us on 26 February 14h30-16h CET for the first virtual meeting!
In 2018, EPF set up a task force on information to patients on nutrition which had the specific task of supporting EPF in developing the briefing and recommendations on clinical nutrition guidelines and summaries for patients which we published and presented at the Optimal Nutritional Care for All Conference last November.
As we move forward on this topic, there is a clear interest and need from patient organisations to exchange on this topic.
To enable European disease specific organisations as well as national coalitions of patients to participate, we propose to build on the nutrition task force which operated in 2018 and this year pilot EPF’s very first EPF cluster on nutrition. This cluster is a virtual thematic working group led by an EPF member.
This cluster will be an opportunity for interested members to exchange on the topic of nutrition, building knowledge and sharing experiences, informing and guiding EPF’s work in this field.
The cluster on nutrition will be led by Cees Smit, representing the Patients Network for Medical Research and Health (EGAN), with EPF Secretariat support from Adriana Pereira. The cluster will have two virtual meetings, in February and September in addition to a webinar to be organised in the coming months.
The first virtual meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday 26 February at 14h30-16h CET.
Please note: the meeting is for EPF Members and Board only.
To request your participation please contact Katie Gallagher.