Your Opinion Matters! Take on our New Surveys

Just a few weeks left to give your thoughts and feedback on two important surveys conducted by EPF and partners: let your voice be heard!
Have you ever used healthcare services in another EU Member State, and then asked for reimbursement as foreseen by the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive? Then the questionnaire prepared by EPF, IF (the International Federation of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus) and the European Disability Forum is for you! Available until the 31st of August, it aims to measure the impact of the directive on persons with disabilities and with chronic diseases in Europe.
The anonymous questionnaire aims to find out how many persons with disabilities and with chronic conditions have experienced cross-border healthcare, their impression and how likely they are to make a use of this opportunity again. No in-depth knowledge is required to complete the survey.
The survey is targeted at IF, EDF and EPF members and their networks; persons with disabilities and chronic diseases or parents of children affected by disability or chronic disease.
The results of the survey will help to build country-specific information which will be used to discuss with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on the situation in their country. The survey will also be a central tool to interact with the European Commission to push for action at European level. As we know it, the Directive is neither fully nor properly implemented yet and better outcomes for patients are so far scarce. The results of the survey are planned to be presented at the IF event in the European Parliament in December 2016, and be further available on IF website.
Simultaneously, EPF is running an online survey to gather your opinion on quality of healthcare! The questionnaire will help us explore the perceptions of patients about what “quality” means for them, and give us an overview of what matters most in quality of care for you!
The results of this perusal will be the basis for our future advocacy work around quality of care and patient safety, including patient-centredness and patients' empowerment. The harvest of information will prove to be essential when engaging with Members of the European Parliament or representatives of the European Commission.
This survey is open at patient representatives, meaning primarily individual patients, their family members or informal carers, and patient organisation representatives across the EU.
You do not need in-depth knowledge or experience on quality of care to complete the survey! There are no right or wrong answers, as this survey is about your perceptions and opinions. It should take around 30 minutes to complete and is open until the 30/09/16.
Contact person:
Camille Bullot, Membership and Stakeholders Relations Manager.