Our new Capacity Building Module on Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance

Patient organisations and patient organisations’ leaders are becoming more and more visible actors in the healthcare arena. This is an important and positive change. Nevertheless, it also brings new and bigger challenges.
In 2018 we are launching a new capacity building module on Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance. The module aims at strengthening patient organisations by enhancing their leaders’ leadership skills and consequently enabling positive governance in their organisation, with the final objective of supporting patient organisations in positioning themselves as legitimate stakeholders, strong advocates and reliable partners on the national and European health policy environment.
Why a capacity building module on empowering leadership and positive governance?
We identified some challenges that patient organisations face:
- Organisations leaders are asked to interact more frequently and more intensively with several stakeholders at the same time;
- Unstable political situations and rapid changes in governments put extra pressure on patient organisations;
- The organisational growth in visibility is not linked to a growth in financial and human resources, therefore they face more challenges and increasing demands from external stakeholders with small teams, mostly of volunteers and limited financial resources;
- Leaders of patient organisations are very charismatic and committed but in some cases, are lacking practical business knowledge necessary to run an NGO successfully.
Is this module for me?
The programme targets patient organisations’ leaders from across Europe, specifically Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the Western Balkan.
Have you ever asked yourself:
- How can I manage competing priorities in my organisation?
- How can I support my team members/volunteers to excel?
- How can I create a positive relationship between the governance body and the volunteers in my organisation?
If you did think about these questions than you are likely to be the right candidate!
The module is open to all our members, members of our members and patient organisations interested in learning to lead their organisations more effectively and ensure greater impact.
For more information on the participation criteria read this.
How to apply
Find here the application form and apply by 15 March 2018. We are currently gathering applications from all eligible candidates. Please note that spaces are limited.
All travel, accommodation and course costs for participants are covered by EPF.
Contact person: Elena Balestra, Membership and Capacity Building Officer elena.balestra@eu-patient.eu