EPF initiative on vaccination: progress on shaping the Patient’s Guide

Our work on the importance of vaccination for patients with chronic conditions is progressing. As readers will know, EPF started an initiative in 2018 specifically aiming to provide information and resources for patient organisations to support their advocacy on vaccination. Many of our member organisations are either active, or wish to be more active, on this topic, but we learned there was a gap in provision of resources focusing specifically on chronic conditions.
This year, our key activity is the development of a Patient’s Guide to Vaccination – a concise, portable information tool that expands and goes beyond the information already available. Having held a workshop for the patient community in Cluj, Romania in late May with COPAC, we will organise a second workshop in Germany, in October 2019 in collaboration with our German member organisation, BAG Selbsthilfe.
We received quite a bit of interest for patients’ representatives to join the user-testing group for the Patient’s Guide. The group has now met once, and is working with our communications consultant to shape the Guide.
Interested in joining the patient group? It is still possible to join the user-testing group, if you wish to give feedback on the draft Guide! Please email policy@eu-patient.eu