New calls for tender

In January, EPF published three new calls for tender, one for the creation of a Patient Education and Engagement Portal for EUPATI, the second for the creation of a trusted environment for dialogue about the use of health data for the new initiative 'Data Saves Lives', and the last one to collaborate together with us and the EPF Youth Group to the 3rd edition of the EPF Summer Training for Young Patient Advocates.
Call for Tender: EUPATI Patient Education and Engagement Portal
The European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) was funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative in the period February 2012 to January 2017 (IMI-EUPATI Project 2012-2017). Since 2017, the Patients’ Academy continues as a public-private programme housed at the European Patients’ Forum (EPF), and aims to trigger a major rethink in the way patients and the public understand the medicines development process, and their own involvement therein. Armed with a deeper understanding, patient experts and advocates will be empowered to work effectively with the relevant authorities, healthcare professionals and industry to influence the medicines development process for the benefit of patients. Ensuring the Future of EUPATI (EFOEUPATI) is an IMI project that was launched in 2018 to ensure optimal exploitation and sustainability of the core achievements of the EUPATI Project: the Patient Expert Training Course, the EUPATI Toolbox and the EUPATI National Platforms.
One of the main outcomes of the project is to build on the success of over 1 million users of the existing website and create a Patient Education and Engagement Portal that will host relevant information and resources for patients and other stakeholders to ensure meaningful and value-adding patient engagement in medicines R&D and future proof EUPATI’s efforts. This will eventually replace the existing EUPATI website which focuses on the delivery of the Patient Engagement Toolbox, ensuring it meets the future needs of the Patients’ Academy.
Anyone interested in designing and developing this portal, based on the user, functional and data management requirements requested, can apply to our call for tender by the 8th of February 2019. Good luck!
Call for Tender: Data Saves Lives Portal is looking for a web developer/provider
Research into chronic conditions and diseases, their management and treatment is increasingly reliant on data generated by patients, physicians and other healthcare workers, hospitals and similar institutions, and many others.
Despite considerable advances in technologies to facilitate and support health-related research, it remains very challenging to be able to use health data, due to concerns of the public and issues around privacy, security and confidentiality.
To meet this challenge, the European Patients’ Forum and allied organisations propose to develop an online portal on health data, in order to improve awareness and knowledge, promote the importance of data in health research to the public, and to create a trusted environment for dialogue about the use of health data. The web platform will be developed in English but the style and language used will be easily understandable to a non-native user, and easily translated.
EPF will be responsible for strategy, branding, content generation and promotion. Anyone interested in developing, building, hosting and maintaining the online portal in partnership with EPF is welcome to apply to our call for tender. The deadline for applications is on 15 February 2019.
Call for Tender: the 3rd edition of the EPF Summer Training for Young Patient Advocates is looking for inspirational trainers
EPF is happy to share with you that the 3rd edition of our Summer Training Course for Young Patients Advocates will be taking place this summer in Vienna, Austria. The theme this year is: ‘Shaping the Future of Patient Advocacy’. EPF is looking for motivated and creative trainers who, together with us and the EPF Youth Group, will be working closely in all stages of this initiative.
Over the course of three full days, young people (patients and patient representatives) will be expanding their skills and maximising their leadership potential. The dedicated sessions will be focused on topics such as representativeness, transparency, ethics, and the importance of building trust. Patient advocacy may take different pathways, through individual patient advocates, emerging online patient communities, and more formalised entities such as patient organisations. The Summer Training Course Programme will be developed and delivered by the selected trainers, EPF and the Youth Group. The trainers will take active part in preparing the selected participants in online sessions (prior to the training), delivering the face-to-face three-day training, and then following up with the participants, coaching them in their post-training work. For more information on previous editions of the Summer Training Course, please click here.
The training will take place on 7-10 July 2019, in Vienna, Austria.
If you are interested in applying for this exciting opportunity, please have a look at the full description in the Call for Tender forms.
We look forward to receiving your applications by 23 February 2019.
For more information, please contact Lyudmil Ninov