IBE - International Bureau for Epilepsy

The International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) was established in 1961 as an organisation of laypersons and professionals interested in the medical and non-medical aspects of epilepsy. The IBE addresses such social problems as education, employment, insurance, driving licence restrictions and public awareness. The Bureau also works in close liaison with the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE), an organisation of medical professionals involved in the medical and scientific issues of epilepsy. IBE is funded mainly by membership dues from its chapters and by financial support from other contributors.
Type: International disease-specific organisation, with a European branch.
Disease area: Epilepsy
Representative: Ann Little, Executive Director
Contact Details:
11 Priory Office Park
Stillorgan Road, Blackrock
Co. Dublin
Phone number: +353 12108850
Email: ibeexecdir@eircom.net
For more information, please visit IBE's website: www.ibe-epilepsy.org