
Participating Organisations:
The programme targets sixteen (16) member organisations, including the EPF member: NPO - National Patients Organisation:
- "Tolerance 2010" Silistra
- “Cancer Patients and Friends”
- "2002 Hopes"
- "Conception"
- MS Society Foundation
- Association of children and young people with diabetes
- Bulgarian association for patients' protection
- Bulgarian Haemophilia Association
- Bulgarian organization for voluntary blood donation
- Bulgarian Society of Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension
- Bulgarian Transplant Union
- Foundation “Tromboflebitis Patients in Action”
- National Association “Diabetes, Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome”
- NGO "Diabetes Silistra"
- NGO "Diabetes Кubrat"
You can find further information on the participating organisations here
UPCOMING in 2017: Module in Fundraising
This module is designed to support patient organizations in diversifying the sources of income which would allow them to achieve a greater level of sustainability and independence. The program will explore the topics of fundraising sources and techniques, and how to achieve the sustainable fundraising in accountable and transparent manner. During the program, participants will examine the topic ‘Accessing EU Funding Opportunities’ that is of particular interest for larger patient organizations. Participants will benefit from presentations and practical activities, including the task to develop their own fundraising strategies and plans.
Read more about this module soon!
Related Information
Capacity Building Programme in Bulgaria since 2013:
In Bulgaria, the Capacity Building Programme kicked off in 2013, and by the end of 2014, both strategic and operation planning were completed. The extensive training and coaching in Strategic Communication was conducted in 2015 and throughout the first half of 2016.